Choose a way to support the library that’s just right for you!
Donate in honor or in memory of a loved one.
Give a book to the library! We’ll place a plaque inside each book recognizing your gift. It can be in honor of your grandkids who love to read, in memory of a loved one who has passed, or completely anonymous if you prefer!
The person you honor with your donation will be thought of each time someone borrows that book, and your gift will help continue our mission of providing books and resources to our community!
Donate easily and securely online through Paypal (Paypal account not required).
Enhance Municipal Funding
The Lebanon Community Library serves the residents of Cornwall, Lebanon City, Mount Gretna, North Cornwall, North Lebanon, South Lebanon, West Cornwall, and West Lebanon. Don’t live in one of these municipalities? Don’t worry! You are always welcome in our library! However, if you do live in one of these municipalities, we need your help.
We often hear from municipal officials that they love our library, they think we’re doing great things, but their residents are not asking them to support the library financially. That’s where you come in. Please tell your municipal officials that you use the library and would like them to support it.
- Don’t know which municipality you live in? Find out here.
- Contact your municipal officials. Click here for a complete list of townships, contact information, and meeting times. You can write, call, or attend a meeting.
- Ask your neighbors to do the same!
The library relies a great deal on local municipal support and individual donations. Use of the library is increasing, and so are costs, but funding is decreasing. Please help by letting your municipal officials know how much you love the library!
Make A Gift
Your tax-deductible contribution makes a positive impact on your community in many ways. Library service is enhanced, library collections are built, and the library’s technological resources are improved through your generosity.
Leave a Legacy
Leave a lasting legacy in your community by including the library in your estate plans.
Donate New or Gently Used Books
The library welcomes donations of books and related library materials with the understanding that the library determines whether a donation conforms to the standards stated in the Collection Development Policy. The Director reserves the option to discard, exchange, or sell those items not incorporated into the general collection. The Library cannot make an appraisal of a gift for tax deduction or any other purpose, and shares no responsibility in the evaluation of the gifts. The Library cannot accept materials if the condition of acceptance requires permanent exhibition or retention. Memorial materials will be selected by the Library Director or his/her designee. The nature of the material will be based upon the needs of the library with consideration given to the interests of the deceased and the wishes of the donor.
The Library cannot accept the following items: textbooks more than five years old, damaged items, musty books, wet books, moldy books, dirty and/or smelly books, or condensed versions (such as Reader’s Digest condensed books), encyclopedias, records, and VHS tapes.
The library has limited space and resources to handle donations, but we agree that these materials should be handled responsibly. If you have books and other materials that the library cannot accept, please consider these sources to donate or recycle your books, as appropriate.
Join The Friends of The Library
The Library has an active Friends of the Library group that provides for many of the library’s needs not covered by the general budget. Once a year the Friends coordinate a huge used book sale. The money raised by the Friends has purchased additional shelves, equipment, CDs, and to sponsor all of the library’s summer reading programs for children, teens and adults. If you have time to give and want to show support for the Library, please join the Friends. Membership information can be provided by contacting The Friends of the Library president Douglas Stump. Call the library for more information.